Monday, November 22, 2010

My week 2 package (program week 3)

I am hoping that I will be able to find time to pick up my CSA package tomorrow so that I have time to process the vegetables, etc.  Despite the fact that it is a holiday week, it is going to be a busy one for me.   We got our list of package contents this morning.  Here's what we will get this week:

Winter CSA Wk 3 Selection
     - 2 lbs salted butter
     - 1 8-oz piece of raw milk Windsor cheese, a cheddar style from Mayfield Road Creamery
     - 1 lb breakfast sausage links
     - 1 lb carrots
     - 1 lb broccoli sprouts
     - 1 dozen eggs
     - 3 ct mixed winter squashes
     - 1 lb grassfed ground beef
     - Quarter peck Cameo apples
     - 1 lb spinach
     - 4 lbs organic soft red wheat flour (wheat pastry flour)

Trevor said that the purpose of the package this week was to provide options for breakfasts and leftovers.  Ironically, I was just lamenting that we never have spinach in the house (because we don't eat salads as a rule).  So, now I can cook with spinach.  I'll have to think about what I want to do with that.  There are always so many possibilities.

CSA fact of the day:
CSA's are typically farm share packages with specific farmers.  But more and more, programs are being set-up by non-farmers who deal directly with multiple farmers and merchants.  The nice thing about these types of programs is that you get a wider variety of products.  It's easy to find these programs in your area by looking up some

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