Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CSA Package Wk 7

So, here is today's package list.  I am including Trevor's description of the veal because I think most people (including myself) automatically think of veal raised under cruel conditions in the dark, not allowed to exercise, etc.  Technically, these veal fall under the free-range catagory, despite being bottle-fed.  I am actually a bit excited about this package although I need to get busy cooking meat because I am running out of space.

"This week we are featuring a very special product I have been working on.  The processors practically laughed when I called and told them I had veal calves.  The traditional veal industry has earned a nasty reputation – one for inhumane treatment of animals.   None of my processors had even processed a veal calf.  I started from square one with my producers on this product.  A farmer in the Heritage Grass Co-op in Holmes County wanted to do something different.  He was already raising exceptional dairy cows.  His dairy herd is raised entirely on organic pastures and receives 100% grass based diet.  The swiss cheese they make from the milk is fantastic.  So I asked Eli if he’d be interested in saving some of his bull calves for me and doing a few bottle-fed veal calves.   He said yes and started researching.  The final product is a 12 week veal calve that has only ate two things – grass and it’s mother’s milk, fed to it three times per day through a bottle."

Winter CSA Wk 7 Selection
     -  1 lb ground veal
     -  1 lb ground Berkshire pork
     -  1 lb ground Italian Sausage
     -  5 lbs red norland potatoes
     -  ½ lb young green onions
     -  1 lb black pepper basil pasta
     -  1 pint sweet sorghum (natural sweetener similar to molasses)
     -  2 lbs organic cornmeal
     -  1 dozen eggs
     -  1 package honey puffed spelt cereal
     -  1 sleeve organic leaf lettuce
     -  4 oz goat feta cheese

The ironic thing is that I never know when eggs will be included in the package, so I had just purchased 1 1/2 dozen eggs this weekend and I am trying to finish up some feta cheese that I've had for a while.  On the plus side, I will appreciate both of those items so much more because the ones I have now are definitely commercial brands.  Fresh is always better!  As I said, it is time for me to get really busy cooking the meat items that I have already received because I have so much less freezer space.  So, look for some good recipes coming up!

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