Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back from Hawaii

Hello all!  I am sorry that I disappeared again.  I had to go to Hawaii to accept an award (yeah, I know, rough life!).  My friend Leland Metheny picked up my CSA package last week, so I am still waiting to receive it.  But here is what we expected:

Winter CSA Wk 9 Selection
-  2 lb “hamloaf” (ground, smoked pork)
-  1 lb ground pork
-  1 lb grassfed beef
-  2 lbs Hartzler butter, salted
-  1 pint mild hungarian hot peppers
-  1 lb turnips
-  3 lbs sweet potatoes
-  1 lb organic granola
-  1 lb whole wheat linguini
-  1 dozen eggs

This is an interesting package and now that I am past that trip, I am starting to come up with ideas for the items received.  I think I am going to make pasties or maybe even a tourtiere (Canadian meat pie) with the butter, turnips and pork this month.  I haven't done pasties in forever and have never tried to make tourtiere, but I now have a ton of butter, wheat flour, etc and need to use some of it up. 

We also got notice to sign up for the summer program.  There are three levels available: small, large and full-access.  The small package is basically only produce, the large includes meats, etc and the full-service is the small package (1/2) and you choose the rest (1/2).  After much deliberation, Leland and I decided that we would sign up for and split the full-service package.  Works for all of us:  FreshFork gets the equivelent of 2 small package orders and we get to choose what we want and neither of us will have to figure out how to use so much food every week.  Oh yeah, did I mention that the summer program is weekly, not every two weeks? 

Time to return to work.  More information on recipes, etc once I start cooking again!

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