Saturday, May 14, 2011

Radish Greens

We got the first of what promises to be many batches of radishes with this share.  I cannot eat raw radishes due to my hay fever, however, they had a beautiful batch of greens.  I was thinking they might be good to eat but wasn't sure if they were edible or how to best prepare them.  So, here's a little background on radishes:

Radishes are a member of the Brassicaceae family as well.  There are many varieties and sizes and it looks as though we received a mix of round and icicle-like.  Interestingly, their name comes from the Greek name Raphanus, meaning "quickly appearing".  That probably explains why we get them so early in the season.  Judging by last years lists, we are bound to get them for several weeks, so I will eventually experiment with pickling and cooking them to see if I can eat them at all.  But for now, since this is a small batch, my husband will take them to have with his lunches.

I took a look at the few recipes I was able to find for the greens and found that as with the radishes, most people eat them raw in salads.  Since I cannot eat the vegetable without an allergic reaction, I decided that I probably cannot eat the greens raw either.  So I came up with the following recipe.  The greens, even though they were wilted had an interesting texture, kind of crisp.  The flavor was similar to spinach.

Scrambled Eggs with Radish Greens and Bacon
  • 2 lg eggs*
  • 4 lg egg whites*
  • 1 Tsp olive oil
  • 1 bunch radish greens*
  • 2 slices uncured bacon*
  • garlic, to taste
  • 2 oz cheese curds with dill*
Wash radish greens, dry well.  Cut into 1/2 slices including stems.  Cook bacon in microwave between paper towel sheets for 2 minutes on HIGH.  Chop cooked bacon.  Slice cheese curds to 1/8 inch slices.  Beat eggs and egg whites in a medium bowl.

In a large skillet, heat oil over med-high heat.  Add greens and garlic and reduce heat to medium.  Cook and stir until greens are wilted, about 4 minutes.   Add bacon and cheese curds.  Pour egg mixture over all and allow bottom to cook.  Continue cooking and stirring over medium heat until eggs are barely wet.  Makes 2 servings.  Serve with wheat toast* and jelly.

*CSA ingredients

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