Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer CSA: Week 2

Well, here it is: week 2.  This week, I am only going to list the small package, so I am not wanting what's on the large package:

Week 2 CSA
This week's feature product is Chorizo sausage from pasture raised, Berkshire hogs. Berkshire hogs are prized for their intra-muscular marbling.  They are fattier hogs...which means tastier!  These hogs are raised outside in the woods of Scott Boehmline's farm in Chardon, OH.  They live off of a diet of garden scraps, forage they find in the woods (roots, nuts, bugs, etc), and non-gmo grain mix.  Sometimes they get real lucky.  The hogs we are fattening out for July are getting cheese from Mayfield Road Creamery this week.  Actually, a lot of cheese.  About 500 lbs of it. 
Susan at Mayfield Road had a batch of cheese go bad on her.  The excess rain had contaminated her well water and hence contaminated the cheese.  The bacteria from the well is harmless; however, it smells aweful and makes the cheese taste terrible.  It isn't fit for human consumption but is perfect for hogs! 
 This week we will also have whole wheat pasta from Ohio City Pasta.  On the grains side, we also have spelt berries. Spelt is an ancient grain that is extremely nutrient dense and gluten free. I'll include some instructions in the newsletter on what to do with spelt berries.
 Oh...and strawberries are here. 
 This week's contents are:
Small CSA:
  • 1 lb Berkshire chorizo sausage
  • 2 lbs spelt berries
  • 1 lb whole wheat linguini
  • 1 bunch garlic scapes
  • 1 head assorted leaf lettuce
  • 1 quart strawberries
  • 2 lbs hoop house tomatoes
  • 1 dz brown eggs or 1 half gallon milk (depending on which stop you are at, then we will rotate next week)
This week we also have the ordering system up!  Here is what we ordered:

  • Garlic Scapes (split)
  • Spinach (Betsy)
  • Jonagold Apples (split)
  • Strawberries (split)
  • Strawberry-Rhubarb pie - 6" (Betsy)
  • Mayfield Havarti (Leland)
  • Short Ribs (Betsy)
  • Garden Thyme Veggie Burgers (Leland)
  • Whole Wheat Pizza Dough (split)
And we are still $18 ahead on our credits.  So room to play in later weeks!

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