Monday, February 13, 2012

St Baldrick's Update

A couple weeks ago, I posted a blog about my participation in St. Baldrick's.  This is an organization that raises money for childhood cancer research.  In conjunction to that (and as an incentive to get people to give money), we shave our heads around St. Paddy's Day in solidarity with kids who have cancer.  The first year I participated, I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I was watching children getting their heads shaved to make things better for their siblings who had cancer.  I had thought to do it because "it was the right thing to do" and I was donating my hair to locks of love anyway.  But in the end, these kids melted my heart and made me realize how great a cause this really is!

This year, we have even more exciting news.  We decided last year that it would be great to do a side shaving event (still within the A.J. Rocco's group) here at University Hospitals.  I just found out that they have, indeed, set aside the Atrium in the hospital for our event.  This means that we can bring the kids we are doing this for to the event and they can see what we are doing for them and join in the fun!  I cannot wait to see the looks on their faces as they watch their doctors and residents getting their heads shaved.  It should be a joyous event! 

So, I am redoubling my efforts.  I have raised $155 so far.  I need $345 to make my goal.  But it would be even better if I could manage to raise even more.  The money this organization raises helps fund research to find treatments and cures for these kids.  It has even affected this area through grants to our colleague's lab.  in the last 2 years, our team, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital has raised over $40,000.  Lets try to double that this year and really make an impact for these kids!!!!!!!

And just so you can see where I have been through these events, here are before and after shots for 2010 and 2011:

2010 Before and after:

2011 Before and after:

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