Monday, March 26, 2012

Day Before

The day began quietly. I was surprised that the surgery time phone call came around 10:30. My surgery is scheduled for noon which means we have to be there at 10 am. I called my mom to let her know. She was waiting to board the plane. I went to my pre-op appointment and was pleased to see my weight. Since starting all of this, I have lost 25 pounds. They were very pleased with that as well. The nurse said that it gives them confidence that I will do well after surgery.

 What they didn't tell me was that they saw a "slight" hiatal hernia when they did the endoscopy. They will fix that during the surgery. She said it was very small (most patients have large ones going in). Other than slightly low vitamin D levels, I am very healthy.

 Mom checked into where she's staying and then headed over. She finally asked about getting something to eat, but didn't want to eat in front of me. I really didn't care; she will have to eat in front of me a lot over the next few days. I took the opportunity to take her down to the Murray Hill Market. Michelle was there and they had all kinds of fun stuff available. As usual, Michelle started handing my mom all kind of samples. In the end, Mom went with eggplant with a meatball and "gravy" and a side of roasted veggies. Oh, and a snubble (puff pastry filled with sweetened cream cheese). The bakery that makes them was featured on national news about 6 months ago. Really good stuff!

 I am trying to pack for tomorrow and am having a hard time figuring what to take. I guess they will let me change to my own clothes after they remove the IV. And they want me to bring things I can walk in. I'm sure I will pack too much. I'm also trying to decide if I can get away with just my Nook Color. I love my tablet, but I'm not sure I want it hanging around my hospital room. I can blog on my phone, so the Nook may be enough. I'm also wondering of I should bring a project to work on. I suspect I will be laying around a lot!

 At the current moment, I am trying to hydrate up to the  last moment. They usually have trouble putting in the IV on surgery day because I am dehydrated. I can only have clear liquids, but I can have them until midnight, so that's what I am concentrating on. I hope it helps.

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