Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Prepping for Surgery

The last week or so has been prep time for surgery. Last week started with my peri-operative appointment. Ten vials of blood and a chest x-ray later, I was back to work. Thursday, I met another cardiologist, who, after taking my medical history and listening to my heart, said "I'm inclined to agree with the last doctor." The one who walked in the room and with an exasperated look on his face said "so, what are you doing here?" At least this doctor took the time to talk to me first. Yes, I know I am unreasonably healthy, but at least have some tact!

 The next appointment was yet another cardiologist (surgeon this time) who explained the IVC (inferior vena cava) filter. What I didn't know when talking to him was that either I let them do this or I don't have surgery. This is an umbrella-shaped filter placed in your IVC to catch "possible" thrombosis. The twist was I basically had an hour to decide because the doctor was leaving town the next day. I ended up dropping all plans Friday and letting them place it.

 Yesterday, I had an endoscopy and then the all important pre-op/post-op class. What's amazing to me is what has changed since I first talked with the surgeon 8 months ago. At that time, I was told it would take 2 incisions and a minimum of 2 days in the hospital.What we learned yesterday is they now only make 1 incision through the bellybutton and as long as there is no leakage and we are getting our liquids down, we could go home in one day. Oh yeah, and the best news; no enema the day before surgery! since the surgery only affects the stomach, we got lucky.

So now, two more days of work, a meeting with the surgeon Monday, nothing but fluids Monday and the surgery Tuesday. I knew the time was going to fly! Mom arrives Monday and John wil arrive Wednesday night. we have to hang out here until Sunday and then we go to Troy for the second week of recovery. The only thing up in the air is my follow-up visit so I can return to work.

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