Sunday, April 1, 2012

Eventful Weekend

I am trying hard not to be a drama queen through this experience. However, when you have major surgery and you are told by every doctor and nurse that it was handled a certain way, down to care instructions after going home that back that up, I don't think it's unreasonable to be upset when you find that is completely wrong. There are 2 methods for closing incisions following bariatric surgery: staples or glue. Because I planned to go home this week, I was told they would use glue instead of staples. At every point leading up to the surgery, this change was mentioned by all involved to remind the doctor. After the surgery, I was told by every member of the surgical and care staff that glue had been used. Nobody looked beneath the bandages because there was no seepage, and thus, no reason to look. When they discharged me, they gave me care instructions for incisions closed with glue.

The main difference is showering. Incisions closer by glue have plastic over them. So, when you shower, you do not need to cover them. They also told me not to worry about the bandages unless I saw seepage.When closed with staples, however, you are supposed to cover the incisions with plastic wrap. Needless to say, I had followed through with care as I was instructed.Yesterday, the incisions starting itching (a normal effect of healing). I decided to take a look to make sure there was no signs of infection. Imagine my surprise when I removed the first bandage and found staples! The next few hours were spent trying to reach the bariatric nurse. Since such a big deal had been made before surgery, I had a feeling this was important. 

This morning, I finally reached my surgeon. I had to remind him the reason for using glue was because I was to go home for this second week of recovery. His response was to ask how quickly I could get to the hospital. He had me come in to have the staples removed. Now that that has been done, I am to switch my care to the staple protocol. Which means we now have to get supplies.

In the end, I am sure everything will be okay. It does, however, bother me that 2 mistakes have occurred already. Let's hope the rest is fine.

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