Tuesday, October 2, 2012

104 down!

Today is 6 months and 1 week since surgery.  I am 104 pounds down and thought I would post a bit.  I am less than 8 pounds from weighing less than I have since I was in my mid-20's.  It's amazing that I never managed to achieve that weight before the surgery.  I got so close many times...265 was the lowest that I managed just trying to diet.  I wonder if I will manage to make 250 before my next follow-up on October 19th.  Time will tell, I guess.

I can tell that my stomach has finally relaxed some, which means that I now have to be more diligent than before.  I think what finally caused that is the UTI I had about a month ago.  I had to force myself to drink more than I had managed up to that point.  It is much easier to get my liquids in now.  I still struggle with dense meats and have found I do much better with stews or soups.  They don't seem to take up as much space.  And well, since I always have interesting produce to work with, easy for me to prepare.

I started physical therapy.  The therapist doesn't hold out hope for me to get another 20 years out of my knees.  He thinks more like 5.  But all I can do it try and see where it leads.  Already, I have gone from only being about to walk up to a half mile comfortably to being able to walk almost a mile.  So, it is helping.  I am hopeful that I will at least be able to get back to a regular walking program.  I know the only way I will get back on a bike is to replace at least the left knee, but walking would help a lot at this point.

Here's the latest comparison shot.  I tried to make sure that today's picture was at the same angle as the before picture.  I really wish I have a front-on before shot.  For some reason, they are all slightly angled.  Although I will admit, it does help me see where I need the most help still.  Angles can be deceiving (as you can see from the second shot I am posting.

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