Friday, February 8, 2013

The Measures We Take

I did something this week that, for some reason, I didn't think I would every have to do again.  I have been plateaued for about 3 weeks and actually had started to slip the wrong direction.  I woke up Tuesday morning and got on the scale and it said 237...up 5 pounds from that time the week before.  Now, I know that I have issues with edema and bloating throughout my cycle, but this was the first time since I had the surgery that I had actually GAINED weight.  So, I knew it was time to do something.  I knew that I wasn't making the best choices for snack and I suspected that I had gotten into the habit of grazing (which has a different definition for bariatric patients).  Grazing when you've had bariatric surgery is not really eating constantly as most normal people will do.  But it is more like having 4-6 snacks a day instead of maybe 3.  And choosing things that you probably shouldn't be eating.  I will say this now because I have heard others who had the same surgery mention it as well: the down side of gastric sleeve surgery is that you do not have a problem with sugar.  Patients with roux en y have to deal with dumping syndrome; patients with gastric sleeve don't.  So it's very easy to grab a candy bar or don't think about the syrup that they put in your latte.  I know I have caught myself giving in and eating or drinking things that I probably shouldn't

So, what I did was I rejoined Weight Watchers.  I have been a member probably 15 times in my lifetime and I have always found the program to be a good one.  The advantage of the program for me is accountability.  I have to go stand on a scale once a week in front of a live person.  I thought it would be enough to see my nutritionist as often as I do because she shares my CSA, but since I don't have to weigh-in, it just wasn't working.  Especially since I continued to lose inches even after I plateaued.  As long as one or the other is moving down, we can lie to ourselves a LOT!

So, I am on Day 4 of the program.  I have been keeping track of my points (which go surprisingly fast, although I do eat a lot more protein than others and not as much vegetables and fruit).  I have even eaten some of the extra 49 points they give you each week.  This morning, I stepped on the scale to see how things are going and I saw......229!!!!!  Now, I know that I fight with my body when I reach those 10 pound marks and I get frustrated and because of that, it takes a bit longer to get past those points, but this week, I blew right past it.  Since I know I had gotten down to 321.8 at one point before joining, I am not counting the 5 pounds that I had gained.  That makes this weeks loss 2.8 pounds so far.  I am trying to decide which night is the best night for me to go to meetings (or mornings).  I am almost thinking I might make this a short week and go to the Saturday morning meeting this week just to get myself on that schedule in case it's the best time.

Milestones for today:
1) breaking 230!  Finally!  I am hoping that by the time I go for my 1 year follow up (March 29), I will be in the teens (210-219). 
2) I have lost 132 lbs!
3) I am well on my way to being able to wear size 16 pants!!!!!!  I cannot wait for that moment because it means I can say goodbye to the plus-size stores forever!!!!!

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