Monday, January 30, 2012


I called the insurance coordinator for the bariatric group today to see what the status was.  He said he had received my letter for the psychiatrist and the insurance letter would go out today.  When I asked how long it would take to get a decision, he very nonchalantly said "It can take up to 90 days to hear from the insurance company".  I do not understand why you would make someone spend six months jumping through hoops, losing weight, having all their medical tests update, having a psychological evaluation, only to tell them, oh, by the way, you may have to wait another 3 months before the insurance company makes up their mind.  Then you have wait 2 weeks for the surgery so you can go on a special diet to shrink your liver (morbidly obese patients have uncharacteristically large livers) and then, maybe, you can actually have the surgery.  Imagine if I were actually really sick!

I am frustrated on so many levels right now.  First, the wait is interminable.  Second, I have basically put my life on hold preparing for this surgery and not knowing when they are going to suddenly say "You are having surgery on such and such a date" makes it very difficult to plan my work.  If I were doing acute experiments like the rest of the lab, there would be potential to get several mouse experiments done.  But I don't and it takes 60-90 days to plan and carry out one of my experiments.  And I have to be actively involved from day 30-the end.  I cannot expect someone else to treat my mice for 2 weeks while I am recovering from surgery.  If, in fact it was going to take them 90 days, I could get an experiment completed.  However, he then told me it could take from 11-20 days normally.  Finally, my husband needs to take time off for the surgery.  Of course, he would rather that I accomodate him and have the surgery in time for his spring break, but since that is the week of February 18th, I now think that is totally unlikely. 

I just want to get on with my life and not lose the momentum that I have started.  Without accountability, I know I can slip.  But I really cannot afford to pay for a program (like WW).  So, now I have to decide what to do to keep this moving.  I am angry that they are wasting my time.  I did what they asked, now let me get on with life!!!

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