Wednesday, January 25, 2012

St. Baldrick's

So, it's that time of year again.  Time for us to start raising money for childhood cancer research and prepare ourselves to have our heads shaved on St. Patrick's Day!  The organization is St. Baldrick's and it is second only to the government in funding childhood cancer research.  This is my third year of participation and, quite frankly, I didn't think that I would do it this year.  Since I am going to be having bariatric surgery shortly, I had thought that I wouldn't do it because it is hard to regulate your body temperature after that surgery since you are losing weight so quickly.  But then I to to thinking about it and really felt ashamed of myself for even thinking that.

These kids do not get to choose when they develop cancer.  And yet, if you have ever met a child who is dealing with cancer, they tend to accept what is happening and are actually better adjusted than "normal" kids.  Why should I selfishly think of myself during this time?  I can always make more hats and bundle up more.  These kids are fighting for their lives.  So, I am doing it again!  On March 11, I will be joining others at the Cleveland Heights Community Center and having my head shaved again!

If you are interested in helping out, my fundraising goal is once again $500.  Last year, I almost made it.  I managed to raise $450.  I am starting to ask for donations earlier this year since I know I will be out of commission for at least a couple days after the surgery.  You can visit my participation page at and click on the "Make a donation" button.  Then just follow the instructions.  And why my goal is $500, I certainly wouldn't be disappointed if I manage to raise even more than that. 

Here are pictures of my beautiful bald head from 2010 and 2011:
 This is my husband and I in 2010.  Right after the event!

And this is Team Rainbow right after we were all shaved in 2011.

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