Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scale Stall; Body Changes

Have you ever noticed that you always see the biggest body changes when the scale doesn't change so much! I think that is because body changes take energy that is normally being used for weight changes. Does that make any sense? I have put off taking a picture of myself in workout gear because of all the excess skin, butthis morning, I looked in the mirror and saw strength. So here is my latest picture, excess shin and all. I finally feel like I am getting my athlete's body back and I need to embrace that. I will eventually have that excess skin removed and I will look beyond amazing, but for now, I need to embrace the fact that, despite the skin, I look pretty amazing already. So here's my celebration of progress! The scale may not be moving as fast as I like, but my tone and condition is improving and that is what counts the most!

Oh, I forgot that my 47th birthday was Thursday. My husband took a picture of me at dinner and in 20 + years, I don't think I've had a casual shot that I didn't feel self-conscious about! How far I've come in just over a year!

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